AngularJS CORS example using
This is an example of a cross domain GET and POST request to a server with CORS headers enabled. It’s a very simple one field form that displays the echo’d response from httpbin. I chose httpbin since I knew it had CORS headers enabled, and seemed like a relatively simplistic tool to play around with.
As the code shows, GET requests are quite simple and look like a regular $http call. The heavy lifting is all done by the server
The POST request on the other hand is a little more complicated and requires some manipulation of the headers before the request itself.
First, we need to set the Content-Type to form-urlencoded to let the destination know we are posting form data:
$["Content-Type"] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
Second, we need to delete a header called “Requested-With” that is sent along with AJAX requests:
delete $http.defaults.headers.common['X-Requested-With'];
Also, to stop this mistruth from spreading any farther: A lot of blog posts about Cross Domain posting with Angular will show you this code:
$http.defaults.useXDomain = true
It’s not a real config value, you don’t need it. Seriously. Try it with and later without it, you won’t see a difference (I think the dojo toolkit may require it, I’m not sure how it made it’s way into multiple AngularJS examples).
Tags: ajax, angular, cors, crossdomain, js, jsfiddle, xdomain
Categories: JavaScript, Programming
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